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Global challenges-going and requires quality solutions that involve the private sector as a part of the global and local changes with a vast and increasing market for business innovation. As we contemplate transforming business models and systems for the ultimate, integrity and values will play a significant role. For companies to achieve the SDG agenda, the job starts by acting responsibly – embodying the UU’s SDGs principles widely into strategies and operations and knowing that acceptable methods or modernization in one sector cannot be developed individually.

The parties, companies, industries, and societies to those goals are required to achieve them. Each government will have its arrangements, which will handle what is here to be proctored. It would help if your business had your company aligned with the SDGs to Foster progress and reflect its goals.

Implementing SDGs in your company is beneficial in practice to your business and the world. This page has detailed explanations and services on this topic.

There is enough to deal with for the country or countries you currently engage in and your supply chain and your ultimate approach to begin additional markets and territories. Whether your business or industrial activities ate large or small, and whatever the business activities and industries are, all firms can lead to the SDGs. While the engagement and scope of the local, regional, and international business should be ambitions. This is great with indispensable means by which business can contribute and remain consistent and beneficial. The UN calls for companies to responsibly and capture opportunities to satisfy societal challenges, economic growth, welfare, etc., through innovation and business collaboration.

Global challenges-going and requires quality solutions that involve the private sector as a part of the global and local changes with a vast and increasing market for business innovation. As we contemplate transforming business models and systems for the ultimate, integrity and values will play a significant role. For companies to achieve the SDG agenda, the job starts by acting responsibly – embodying the UU’s SDGs principles widely into strategies and operations and knowing that acceptable methods or modernization in one sector cannot be developed individually.

Increased companies recognize that they have a large business in achieving the SDGs. Contribution to SDGs can still make market value with the assistance of risk management. But what are the essential sustainability objectives for your organization? How to proceed with the SDGs? And how do companies have a track of your progress on the SDGs?


DEISO offers well-designed services that target the customer’s needs for SDGs. A comprehensive set of services, including strategic planning, consultation, monitoring, evaluation, implementation, mapping business goals and activities to SDGs, support, sustainability assessment, market research, technical assistant, research and development, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Social Life Cycle Assmenent (S-LCA), sustainability assessment, Material Flow Analysis (MFA), renewable energy services, CO2 Reduction Certification,  including those and more. Your company will be getting your sustainability goals achieved with our integrated knowledge, expertise, and services. Together, we can work on how your company can lead to the SDGs and be profitable simultaneously, so it can set ambitious goals and advance your business towards attaining those global SDGs goals while making opportunities for your company’s business growth. This will allow your organization to figure out practical options and use our analyses to support the organization to achieve your business SDGs’ goals. Our SDGs service also includes the following:

  1. Build sustainability-based information into your business and boost up the brand with additional clarity and reporting.
  2. Monitor and consider all sustainability performance indicators at the regional or nationwide levels through sustainable development strategies, control, reporting solutions, consulting, and evaluation solutions. The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) we develop for your business are performance indicators in which quantitative analyses assess the efficiency with which a company reaches its essential business purpose. With our aid, organizations utilize KPIs at various levels to measure their achievement in attaining their goals aligned with the relevant SDGs goals.
  3. Strategically connect your existing KPIs and develop new indicators that associate with SDGs targets to serve your
  4. identify management for your firm.
  5. Integrate SDGs reports into existing frameworks to justify your accomplishments with facts and research-based analysis.
  6. Broaden the reach of traditional Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) use by determining your products’ relationship to the SDGs. Evaluate it from environmental performance such as CO2 reduction potential and climate change mitigation.
  7. Interpret the results from the SDGs’ point of view and map them corresponding to the SDGs targets to update the product strategy, consisting of product development and communication among various stakeholders.
  8. The SDGs consulting services: our consulting contextualizing SDGs, obtaining a genuine knowledge of what the SDGs mean in your organization, and incorporating the strategy in a well-planned manner.
  9. Mapping out your business concept, project s, and achievement: Mapping your problems and solutions to the SDGs provides business advances that impact your business strategy.
  10. A wide range of technical services helps your business reflect its continuation to SDGs, making it more financially beneficial, fewer resources consumption businesses, and participating in a global initiative. Our services include LCA evaluation, Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LA), Material Flow Analysis (MFA), Sustainability assessment, indicators development, SDGs mapping services, technical reporting, research and development, energy studies, agricultural services, and more.
  11. Market research services.
  12. Business investment advice with the context of SDGs.


Consolidating all sustainability data into a particular platform makes it smoother to create profitable business and track performance. Report and utilize applicable KPIs. Your company can make the SDGs real and vital by sharing relevant KPIs with your stakeholders. Connect your market plan with the SDGs. We can support you decide your business’s most important sustainability goals and harmonize them into your strategy, decision-making, and ordinary activities. We, likewise, help your organization present your firm’s and works’ contribution to the SDGs. The SDG services we provide are practical and comprehensive. Based on the theory, data, and methodology, LCA, S-LCA, MFA, product life life-cycle assessment, SDGs mapping services, and others.

What makes our SDG services stand out?

  1. We have both technical, industrial, and practical expertise, knowledge, and qualifications in sustainability.
  2. We are fully aligned with the United Nations Guidance for SDGs.
  3. We offer unique mapping services to map sustainable business goals concerning the SDGs.
  4. We develop indicators for measuring the progress towards the SDGs.
  5. We work based on Data-driven analytics, integrated and holistic approaches, and methodologies.
  6. Our evaluation is also based on the life cycle thinking approach (LEARN MORE).
  7. We consider multi-faceted issues, such as the environment, society, and the economy.
  8. We work and communicate with a variety of stakeholders. We work closely together to achieve one or more specific SDGs.
  9. We provide technical services to achieve and evaluate the SDGs progress of companies and industries such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA); Material Flow Analysis (MFA); Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data supply; services of Education for Sustainable development (ESD) all to attain the SDGs; as well comprehensive waste management services; energy services; agricultural services; and welfare studies. We provide SDG services through our research and development (R&D) and sustainable development services. We also deliver SDGs services based on up-to-date research results and in-depth studies and analyses.
  10. We offer an SDGs Hub to connect businesses working on the implementation of SDGs in their business. We also provide a knowledge base and a consultation session to the members of the DEISO SDG Hub. Please feel free to subscribe to an SDGs Hub plan that fits your needs.
  11. We provide IT services and solutions to support the SDGs’ online promotions and present our client’s achievements on SDGs on their websites. Please visit our IT department’s website devoted at Along with various IT services that can be outsourced to our company where our clients can focus on their business and the achievements of the SDGs goals of their interest.

Join the DEISO SDGs Hub

DEISO is running a united platform of SDGs. It is a subscription-based service that can deliver various benefits to your business. You can choose the plan that meets your neds here.

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