Tel: 03-5403-6479 (Japanese)
Tel: +1-361-298-0005 (English)
Fax: 0488-72-6373
Business Hours:

Monday-Friday 9:00-17:30 JST
Except Japanese national holidays.

About Us (Company)

What we do?

DEISO is a specialized company in environmental sustainability and sustainable development based in Japan with global perspectives.  By combining well-informed decision-making with science-based approaches and human resources development, DEISO helps organizations maximize their potential and thrive.

We are an analytics ecosystem company for environmental development, studies, research and development (R&D). DEISO planning, and evaluation, DEISO helps organizations reduce environmental and risk exposure and develop their products, technologies, and services. We answer your big questions about environmental performance and provide answers for well-informed decisions! Our professional training programs also train your employees to help your organization thrive.

We work with clients in Japan and internationally from diverse industries, including chemicals, energy, materials and metals, waste management, construction and buildings, and manufacturing. Scroll down to learn more.


DEISO (Integrated Environmental Sustainability Oriented Research and Development).

DEISO is an environmental sustainability and sustainable development company with global perspectives based in Japan. DEISO provides environmental engineering, environmental, sustainability, and sustainable development services of evaluation, management, planning, development, consulting, implementation, research, and Development (R&D) and is also active in agribusiness.

We aid organizations in maximizing their potential by fusing well-informed decision-making with science-based methods and human resource development. As a business of an environmental analytics ecosystem, we assist organizations in developing their products, services, and innovations while lowering their exposure to environmental risks.
Services Summary

Our sustainability services help your organization satisfy the needs for sustainability goals, performance, energy demand, and making the right decisions. We work on a broad spectrum of energy, manufacturing, agriculture, waste, natural resources, circular economy, and more. We offer services of R&D assistance, sustainability-focused solutions, Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS), carbon foot printing, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and strategic planning, implementation, and assessment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We help develop a sound material-cycle society, low carbon economy, and sustainability-oriented industry and society. The industries we work for include: manufacturing, chemicals, electronics, mining and metals, materials, food and beverage, agriculture, oil and gas, construction and buildings, government, public sector, and education. DEISO also supports emerging countries in alleviating their most critical environmental issues of dealing with municipal and solid waste, Waste, Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), and hazardous waste.

Core Services
Your Benefits
  • Our clients benefit from our services to promote a sustainable, efficient, and safe industry, business, and community. We ease it to our clients by addressing the environmental burden, lowering costs, increasing revenue, strengthening brand reputation. We designed an integrated, holistic, and life-cycle thinking approach of consulting services and R&D for companies to take the next step in their business. We help reduce exposure to environmental risk and drive your organization into a sustainable future.
Our Values
  • Diversity: We believe in diversity, where good ideas come from everywhere. We want to make a significant global impact using skills and the technology that brings our ideas to fruition.

    Purpose: Our purpose is to create a compelling impact with data, research, well-designed services, consultation, training, human resource development, cloud base solutions, investment, and digital technology to make our ideas come true.

    Quality & Added-Values: We believe that quality and added values for our customers are most important. We are pledged to provide our best quality possible and explore ways to add values, impacts, and benefits to our customers whether it is associated with their services, products, technologies, projects, brand reputation, or whatever the area or the project we work on, we give our best to deliver quality.

    Collaboration: We believe in face-to-face and remote collaboration with businesses in various industries, academic and research institutions, universities, local governments, and international organizations. We are still pursuing opportunities to build up our customer relationships to cooperate with diverse companies in Japan and worldwide with government, education, and academia.

Our Vision

Your Needs

What Industries that we work on?
We work for several industries, and we offer them all something to grow up your business.

Your Benefits

Learn how our services that can benefit your company, clients, or projects.

Your Industry

What Industries that we work on?
We work for several industries, and we offer them all something to grow up your business.

Your Project

Contact us to discuss your needs or request a quote.

Reach us

Contact Us Should you have any questions or inquiries? Please let us know. You may use the contact form here or through a direct e-mail at You may also want to request a quotation here.

Discover DEISO Training: Delve into DEISO's cutting-edge, certified training in sustainability, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), LCA software and databases, GHG accounting, Carbon Footprint, Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), and beyond. Uncover our comprehensive training portfolio here.


Traing Programs

End of the year sales.

All of our training programs are now on sale!

up to 50% off