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LCA Training Programs

DEISO's Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Professional Training Programs/Courses


Compare between the 5 LCA Training Programs: From "LCABasic" to "LCA Expert+"

Choose one of the professional Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Training Programs from the available four. The “Basic Program” to the “Expert+ Program” are all available on demand: one-to-one or one-to-group training. You may choose which of the 5 training courses best suits your needs. Each plan is thoughtfully developed, offering quality training content at a reasonable price. We are glad to provide one of these programs to you online (remotely), in our company’s training facility in Japan, or onsite at your company’s location in Japan or abroad, where an expert will be dispatched to deliver the training to your employees.

 With more than 13 years of LCA expertise, we offer premium training programs that all come with certification options. 

NEW!: Updated curriculum for all the training plan series and the training materials. 


Some of our clients who trusted DEISO LCA Training Offerings

(Prices are per trainee. Request a Quote for 2+ trainees)

DEISO is a pioneering company in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) training and services; DEISO offers comprehensive training programs covering various aspects of LCA methodology, software, data, and industry-specific applications. Each training program comes with training plan services, and a client can choose among multiple plans per training program.


Here’s a breakdown of what DEISO offers in its training programs:

  1. LCA Methodology Training includes understanding the principles, concepts, and methodologies of conducting a life cycle assessment.
  2. LCA Software Training: DEISO provides training on several LCA software tools, including “LCA for Experts (GaBi),SimaPro, and openLCA. These software tools are commonly used in the industry for conducting life cycle assessments efficiently.
  3. LCA Data Training of ecoinvent Database: Ecoinvent is one of the most widely used life cycle inventory data databases. DEISO offers training on effectively utilizing and interpreting data from the Ecoinvent database for conducting LCAs. Read more.
  4. LCA Manual Calculation with Excel: Besides software training, DEISO provides training on performing life cycle assessments manually using spreadsheet software like Excel. This provides a deeper understanding of the calculations involved in LCA. Read more.
  5. LCA for Industry-Specific Industries: DEISO tailors its training programs to various industries, ensuring participants learn how to apply LCA principles and tools effectively within their sectors. Read more.

DEISO’s flexible training programs offer both remote (online) and in-person training options. DEISO has conducted training sessions in Japan and worldwide, reaching participants from over 33 countries. Notable companies have also benefited from DEISO’s expertise in LCA training, indicating the company’s reputation and global impact.

DEISO Client Map Worldwide

DEISO has provided remote and on-site training services for 35+ countries. Find out more.

Tip for Training Plans Comparison 

Move your mouse cursor over any item of a plan with a dashed underline to check and read additional information with the “Feature Tooltip.”

4 Hours

LCA Basic Training

Per Trainee

Curriculum & Features

  • English Training Training is provided in English by an expert LCA trainer at the PhD level.
  • Optional Examination & Training Certificate (Paid) Certificate fees per trainee apply. Contact us for pricing details.
  • Extensive Training Intensive training for complete program understanding.
  • Accelerated Learning Approach Active learning approach accelerates understanding by tailoring instruction to individual styles, using discussions, interactive elements, demonstrations, practical examples, assignments, and trainee feedback.
  • Theoretical Case Studies 3 case studies are included.
  • Remote (Online) or in Person Choose your DEISO training delivery: online (remote), at your company's location in Japan, or international locations (overseas). Prices vary for each model, and a minimum number of trainees is required except for online training, which can be one-to-one- or one-to-group. A single trainee is sufficient for online training to deliver the chosen training program.
  • Training at the Client's Physical Location Outside of Japan Choose your DEISO training delivery: online (remote), at your company's location in Japan, or international locations (overseas). Prices vary for each model, and a minimum number of trainees is required except for online training, which can be one-to-one- or one-to-group. A single trainee is sufficient for online training to deliver the chosen training program.
  • In-Person Training at the Client's Physical Location in Japan A minimum number of trainees is required. Please contact us.
  • Theoretical & Practical Training Transform theory into practical expertise.
  • Zero to Hero LCA The 'Zero to Hero' method builds mastery by starting with the basics and progressing to advanced expertise.
  • LCA Modeling Advanced Level
  • LCA Data Training Advanced Level
  • Advanced Life Cycle Assessment Case Study How to Start an LCA Project from A to Z
  • Attributional Life Cycle Assessment
  • Consequential Life Cycle Assessment (CLCA)
  • How to Communicate your LCA results Master clear LCA presentations: select impactful charts and tailor your message for decision-makers.
  • How to Visualization LCA Results Master LCA visualization: Translate complex data into clear insights for your audience.
  • How to Collect Supply Chain Data Conducting an LCA study requires supply chain data ("foreground data") from clients, factories, or plants. Learn how to overcome collection challenges and gather essential information with several examples.
  • Supply Chain Data Collection Template (Excel) Simplify supply chain data collection with a customizable Excel template. Streamline client interactions and overcome common challenges.
  • ISO 14040 Demonstration
  • ISO 14044 Demonstration
  • Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is crucial for understanding the impact of uncertainties and assumptions within your model. You can identify the most influential parameters by systematically changing input values (like materials, transportation distances, or energy sources) and observing how the results are affected. This knowledge allows you to prioritize where to improve data quality, make informed decisions, and increase the reliability of your LCA conclusions. Sensitivity analyses ensure your LCA isn't overly dependent on assumptions, making the results more robust and trustworthy.
  • Uncertainty Analysis Uncertainty analysis in LCA is essential because the data and models used to calculate environmental impacts are never perfectly accurate. Sources of uncertainty include things like incomplete data, variability in manufacturing processes, and even the choices made about how to model the system. Uncertainty analysis helps us put a range of confidence around our LCA results. This can tell us how much our conclusions might change if our input data were different. It also helps us identify the most important sources of uncertainty, so we can prioritize where to improve the data for future studies.
  • Trade-Off Analysis Trade-off analysis is a critical part of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) when comparing different products, processes, or systems. It helps decision-makers understand the environmental impacts that shift from one stage of a product's life to another or between product alternatives. For example, a product with a lower manufacturing impact might have a higher use-phase impact due to energy consumption. Trade-off analysis reveals that these relationships including cost. This allows for informed choices that minimize overall environmental burdens rather than simply moving the problem from one life-cycle stage to another.
  • Scenario Development (What If Analysis) Scenario development or "what-if analysis" is vital tools in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). They help researchers explore potential future impacts and compare different product or system designs. By creating scenarios that model changes in technology, regulations, or consumer behavior, LCA practitioners can assess the environmental consequences of those shifts. What-if analysis allows for targeted testing of specific variables, making it possible to isolate the effects of individual decisions. This helps identify strategies to reduce environmental impact throughout a product's life cycle and allows for more informed decision-making.
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Types & Assessment of CO2 Emissions
  • Water Footprint
  • GHG Emissions Scops 1-3
  • Global Worming Potential (Climate Change) Assessment
  • LCA Manual Calculations: Liner Approach Understand LCA calculations with the linear approach. Learn the formulas and apply them through hands-on examples.
  • LCA Manual Calculations: Matrix Approach Understand LCA calculations with the matrix approach. Learn the formulas and apply them through hands-on examples.
  • Manual Calculations with Microsoft Excel Learn how to calculate LCA in a Microsoft Workbook. Learn the math and Excel formulas needed.
  • Midpoint Modeling LCA results can be carried out at the midpoint level, including environmental impact categories such as "climate change," "acidification potential," "human health potential," etc. These categories (15+ on average based on the LCIA method) are called "midpoint impacts." Here, you will learn LCA at a "Mid-Point" Level."
  • Endpoint Modeling LCA results can be carried out also at the "endpoint" level where the midpoint impact categories (15+ on average) can be aggregated to single 3-4 indicators such as "damage to the ecosystem," damage to health," and damage to resources." This aggregation is called "endpoint modeling."
  • Unit Process V.S. System Process Learning the difference between "unit process" and "system process" is crucial in LCA, especially when using LCA software now or in the future. Learning the differences between both and in which situation or case study to use each is important as most of the LCA databases come with either "unit" or "system" processes or both.
  • Dealing with Multi-Output Processes It is common for some processes to have multiple outputs: "main" or reference" output, which is the main product intended to be produced, and "by-products," which often we have no control over their existence. In this module, you will learn how to deal with the "Multi Outputs" issue in LCA and allocate the environmental impacts among the main product and the by-products.
  • Allocation Methods
  • The Cut-Off Method
  • System Expansion
  • Types of LCI Data & Databases
  • General Principles of LCA
  • Principles of System Modeling
  • Advanced Topics on LCA
  • The Four Phases of LCA
  • System Boundaries
  • Step-by-Step procedures to Performing an LCA
  • System Function
  • Functional Unit/Reference Unit
  • Inventory Analysis
  • Input/Output Inventory
  • Process Calculations of Inventory
  • LCA Databases LCA data also refers to "Life Cycle Impact Assessment LCI" databases, the heart of LCA. In this module, you will learn the common structure of an LCI database and get familiar with existing free and commercial databases.
  • Step-by-Step Procedure of Inventory Analysis
  • LCA Steps: Classification
  • LCA Steps: Characterization
  • LCA Optional Steps: Normalization
  • LCA Optional Steps: Weighting
  • LCA Optional Steps: Grouping
  • Analysis of Inventory Results
  • Analysis of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCAI) Results
  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Methods Basic Level
  • The CML Method
  • The IMPACT 2002+ Method
  • ReCiPe 2008/2016 LCIA method
  • IMPACT World+
  • Flowcharts & Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
  • Final Results Interpretation
  • LCA Applications
  • Calculation by Hand vs Using Software
  • Guideline for the Correct Use of LCA Software Learn all the differences between the existing LCA software, including SimaPro, LCA for Expert (Formerly "GaBi"), openLCA (a free and open-source software), Umberto, and Microsoft Excel. Learn the pros and cons of each software and receive extensive information on its features and guidelines for properly selecting an LCA software for your project regarding database availability, features, and multiple other factors. This will help you put the investment in your LCA in the right place based on your project needs.
  • Data Availability and LCA Software Selection
  • Applications to Product Comparisons
  • Applications to Eco-Design
  • Sustainability Assessment
Recommended for students & LCA starters.
Contact Us
6 Hours

LCA Basic+ Training

Per Trainee

Curriculum & Features

  • English Training Training is provided in English by an expert LCA trainer at the PhD level.
  • Optional Examination & Training Certificate (Paid) Certificate fees per trainee apply. Contact us for pricing details.
  • Extensive Training Intensive training for complete program understanding.
  • Accelerated Learning Approach Active learning approach accelerates understanding by tailoring instruction to individual styles, using discussions, interactive elements, demonstrations, practical examples, assignments, and trainee feedback.
  • Theoretical Case Studies 3 case studies are included.
  • Remote (Online) or in Person Choose your DEISO training delivery: online (remote), at your company's location in Japan, or international locations (overseas). Prices vary for each model, and a minimum number of trainees is required except for online training, which can be one-to-one- or one-to-group. A single trainee is sufficient for online training to deliver the chosen training program.
  • Training at the Client's Physical Location Outside of Japan Choose your DEISO training delivery: online (remote), at your company's location in Japan, or international locations (overseas). Prices vary for each model, and a minimum number of trainees is required except for online training, which can be one-to-one- or one-to-group. A single trainee is sufficient for online training to deliver the chosen training program.
  • In-Person Training at the Client's Physical Location in Japan A minimum number of trainees is required. Please contact us.
  • Theoretical & Practical Training Transform theory into practical expertise.
  • Zero to Hero LCA The 'Zero to Hero' method builds mastery by starting with the basics and progressing to advanced expertise.
  • LCA Modeling Advanced Level
  • LCA Data Training Advanced Level
  • Advanced Life Cycle Assessment Case Study How to Start an LCA Project from A to Z
  • Attributional Life Cycle Assessment
  • Consequential Life Cycle Assessment (CLCA)
  • How to Communicate your LCA results Master clear LCA presentations: select impactful charts and tailor your message for decision-makers.
  • How to Visualization LCA Results Master LCA visualization: Translate complex data into clear insights for your audience.
  • How to Collect Supply Chain Data Conducting an LCA study requires supply chain data ("foreground data") from clients, factories, or plants. Learn how to overcome collection challenges and gather essential information with several examples.
  • Supply Chain Data Collection Template (Excel) Simplify supply chain data collection with a customizable Excel template. Streamline client interactions and overcome common challenges.
  • ISO 14040 Demonstration
  • ISO 14044 Demonstration
  • Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is crucial for understanding the impact of uncertainties and assumptions within your model. You can identify the most influential parameters by systematically changing input values (like materials, transportation distances, or energy sources) and observing how the results are affected. This knowledge allows you to prioritize where to improve data quality, make informed decisions, and increase the reliability of your LCA conclusions. Sensitivity analyses ensure your LCA isn't overly dependent on assumptions, making the results more robust and trustworthy.
  • Uncertainty Analysis Uncertainty analysis in LCA is essential because the data and models used to calculate environmental impacts are never perfectly accurate. Sources of uncertainty include things like incomplete data, variability in manufacturing processes, and even the choices made about how to model the system. Uncertainty analysis helps us put a range of confidence around our LCA results. This can tell us how much our conclusions might change if our input data were different. It also helps us identify the most important sources of uncertainty, so we can prioritize where to improve the data for future studies.
  • Trade-Off Analysis Trade-off analysis is a critical part of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) when comparing different products, processes, or systems. It helps decision-makers understand the environmental impacts that shift from one stage of a product's life to another or between product alternatives. For example, a product with a lower manufacturing impact might have a higher use-phase impact due to energy consumption. Trade-off analysis reveals that these relationships including cost. This allows for informed choices that minimize overall environmental burdens rather than simply moving the problem from one life-cycle stage to another.
  • Scenario Development (What If Analysis) Scenario development or "what-if analysis" is vital tools in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). They help researchers explore potential future impacts and compare different product or system designs. By creating scenarios that model changes in technology, regulations, or consumer behavior, LCA practitioners can assess the environmental consequences of those shifts. What-if analysis allows for targeted testing of specific variables, making it possible to isolate the effects of individual decisions. This helps identify strategies to reduce environmental impact throughout a product's life cycle and allows for more informed decision-making.
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Types & Assessment of CO2 Emissions
  • Water Footprint
  • GHG Emissions Scops 1-3
  • Global Worming Potential (Climate Change) Assessment
  • LCA Manual Calculations: Liner Approach Understand LCA calculations with the linear approach. Learn the formulas and apply them through hands-on examples.
  • LCA Manual Calculations: Matrix Approach Understand LCA calculations with the matrix approach. Learn the formulas and apply them through hands-on examples.
  • Manual Calculations with Microsoft Excel Learn how to calculate LCA in a Microsoft Workbook. Learn the math and Excel formulas needed.
  • Midpoint Modeling LCA results can be carried out at the midpoint level, including environmental impact categories such as "climate change," "acidification potential," "human health potential," etc. These categories (15+ on average based on the LCIA method) are called "midpoint impacts." Here, you will learn LCA at a "Mid-Point" Level."
  • Endpoint Modeling LCA results can be carried out also at the "endpoint" level where the midpoint impact categories (15+ on average) can be aggregated to single 3-4 indicators such as "damage to the ecosystem," damage to health," and damage to resources." This aggregation is called "endpoint modeling."
  • Unit Process V.S. System Process Learning the difference between "unit process" and "system process" is crucial in LCA, especially when using LCA software now or in the future. Learning the differences between both and in which situation or case study to use each is important as most of the LCA databases come with either "unit" or "system" processes or both.
  • Dealing with Multi-Output Processes It is common for some processes to have multiple outputs: "main" or reference" output, which is the main product intended to be produced, and "by-products," which often we have no control over their existence. In this module, you will learn how to deal with the "Multi Outputs" issue in LCA and allocate the environmental impacts among the main product and the by-products.
  • Allocation Methods
  • The Cut-Off Method
  • System Expansion
  • Types of LCI Data & Databases
  • General Principles of LCA
  • Principles of System Modeling
  • Advanced Topics on LCA
  • The Four Phases of LCA
  • System Boundaries
  • Step-by-Step procedures to Performing an LCA
  • System Function
  • Functional Unit/Reference Unit
  • Inventory Analysis
  • Input/Output Inventory
  • Process Calculations of Inventory
  • LCA Databases LCA data also refers to "Life Cycle Impact Assessment LCI" databases, the heart of LCA. In this module, you will learn the common structure of an LCI database and get familiar with existing free and commercial databases.
  • Step-by-Step Procedure of Inventory Analysis
  • LCA Steps: Classification
  • LCA Steps: Characterization
  • LCA Optional Steps: Normalization
  • LCA Optional Steps: Weighting
  • LCA Optional Steps: Grouping
  • Analysis of Inventory Results
  • Analysis of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCAI) Results
  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Methods Basic Level
  • The CML Method
  • The IMPACT 2002+ Method
  • ReCiPe 2008/2016 LCIA method
  • IMPACT World+
  • Flowcharts & Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
  • Final Results Interpretation
  • LCA Applications
  • Calculation by Hand vs Using Software
  • Guideline for the Correct Use of LCA Software Learn all the differences between the existing LCA software, including SimaPro, LCA for Expert (Formerly "GaBi"), openLCA (a free and open-source software), Umberto, and Microsoft Excel. Learn the pros and cons of each software and receive extensive information on its features and guidelines for properly selecting an LCA software for your project regarding database availability, features, and multiple other factors. This will help you put the investment in your LCA in the right place based on your project needs.
  • Data Availability and LCA Software Selection
  • Applications to Product Comparisons
  • Applications to Eco-Design
  • Sustainability Assessment
Recommended for students and academic researchers
Contact Us
9 Hours

LCA Professional Training

Per Trainee

Curriculum & Features

  • English Training Training is provided in English by an expert LCA trainer at the PhD level.
  • Optional Examination & Training Certificate (Paid) Certificate fees per trainee apply. Contact us for pricing details.
  • Extensive Training Intensive training for complete program understanding.
  • Accelerated Learning Approach Active learning approach accelerates understanding by tailoring instruction to individual styles, using discussions, interactive elements, demonstrations, practical examples, assignments, and trainee feedback.
  • Theoretical Case Studies 3 case studies are included.
  • Remote (Online) or in Person Choose your DEISO training delivery: online (remote), at your company's location in Japan, or international locations (overseas). Prices vary for each model, and a minimum number of trainees is required except for online training, which can be one-to-one- or one-to-group. A single trainee is sufficient for online training to deliver the chosen training program.
  • Training at the Client's Physical Location Outside of Japan Choose your DEISO training delivery: online (remote), at your company's location in Japan, or international locations (overseas). Prices vary for each model, and a minimum number of trainees is required except for online training, which can be one-to-one- or one-to-group. A single trainee is sufficient for online training to deliver the chosen training program.
  • In-Person Training at the Client's Physical Location in Japan A minimum number of trainees is required. Please contact us.
  • Theoretical & Practical Training Transform theory into practical expertise.
  • Zero to Hero LCA The 'Zero to Hero' method builds mastery by starting with the basics and progressing to advanced expertise.
  • LCA Modeling Advanced Level
  • LCA Data Training Advanced Level
  • Advanced Life Cycle Assessment Case Study How to Start an LCA Project from A to Z
  • Attributional Life Cycle Assessment
  • Consequential Life Cycle Assessment (CLCA)
  • How to Communicate your LCA results Master clear LCA presentations: select impactful charts and tailor your message for decision-makers.
  • How to Visualization LCA Results Master LCA visualization: Translate complex data into clear insights for your audience.
  • How to Collect Supply Chain Data Conducting an LCA study requires supply chain data ("foreground data") from clients, factories, or plants. Learn how to overcome collection challenges and gather essential information with several examples.
  • Supply Chain Data Collection Template (Excel) Simplify supply chain data collection with a customizable Excel template. Streamline client interactions and overcome common challenges.
  • ISO 14040 Demonstration
  • ISO 14044 Demonstration
  • Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is crucial for understanding the impact of uncertainties and assumptions within your model. You can identify the most influential parameters by systematically changing input values (like materials, transportation distances, or energy sources) and observing how the results are affected. This knowledge allows you to prioritize where to improve data quality, make informed decisions, and increase the reliability of your LCA conclusions. Sensitivity analyses ensure your LCA isn't overly dependent on assumptions, making the results more robust and trustworthy.
  • Uncertainty Analysis Uncertainty analysis in LCA is essential because the data and models used to calculate environmental impacts are never perfectly accurate. Sources of uncertainty include things like incomplete data, variability in manufacturing processes, and even the choices made about how to model the system. Uncertainty analysis helps us put a range of confidence around our LCA results. This can tell us how much our conclusions might change if our input data were different. It also helps us identify the most important sources of uncertainty, so we can prioritize where to improve the data for future studies.
  • Trade-Off Analysis Trade-off analysis is a critical part of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) when comparing different products, processes, or systems. It helps decision-makers understand the environmental impacts that shift from one stage of a product's life to another or between product alternatives. For example, a product with a lower manufacturing impact might have a higher use-phase impact due to energy consumption. Trade-off analysis reveals that these relationships including cost. This allows for informed choices that minimize overall environmental burdens rather than simply moving the problem from one life-cycle stage to another.
  • Scenario Development (What If Analysis) Scenario development or "what-if analysis" is vital tools in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). They help researchers explore potential future impacts and compare different product or system designs. By creating scenarios that model changes in technology, regulations, or consumer behavior, LCA practitioners can assess the environmental consequences of those shifts. What-if analysis allows for targeted testing of specific variables, making it possible to isolate the effects of individual decisions. This helps identify strategies to reduce environmental impact throughout a product's life cycle and allows for more informed decision-making.
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Types & Assessment of CO2 Emissions
  • Water Footprint
  • GHG Emissions Scops 1-3
  • Global Worming Potential (Climate Change) Assessment
  • LCA Manual Calculations: Liner Approach Understand LCA calculations with the linear approach. Learn the formulas and apply them through hands-on examples.
  • LCA Manual Calculations: Matrix Approach Understand LCA calculations with the matrix approach. Learn the formulas and apply them through hands-on examples.
  • Manual Calculations with Microsoft Excel Learn how to calculate LCA in a Microsoft Workbook. Learn the math and Excel formulas needed.
  • Midpoint Modeling LCA results can be carried out at the midpoint level, including environmental impact categories such as "climate change," "acidification potential," "human health potential," etc. These categories (15+ on average based on the LCIA method) are called "midpoint impacts." Here, you will learn LCA at a "Mid-Point" Level."
  • Endpoint Modeling LCA results can be carried out also at the "endpoint" level where the midpoint impact categories (15+ on average) can be aggregated to single 3-4 indicators such as "damage to the ecosystem," damage to health," and damage to resources." This aggregation is called "endpoint modeling."
  • Unit Process V.S. System Process Learning the difference between "unit process" and "system process" is crucial in LCA, especially when using LCA software now or in the future. Learning the differences between both and in which situation or case study to use each is important as most of the LCA databases come with either "unit" or "system" processes or both.
  • Dealing with Multi-Output Processes It is common for some processes to have multiple outputs: "main" or reference" output, which is the main product intended to be produced, and "by-products," which often we have no control over their existence. In this module, you will learn how to deal with the "Multi Outputs" issue in LCA and allocate the environmental impacts among the main product and the by-products.
  • Allocation Methods
  • The Cut-Off Method
  • System Expansion
  • Types of LCI Data & Databases
  • General Principles of LCA
  • Principles of System Modeling
  • Advanced Topics on LCA
  • The Four Phases of LCA
  • System Boundaries
  • Step-by-Step procedures to Performing an LCA
  • System Function
  • Functional Unit/Reference Unit
  • Inventory Analysis
  • Input/Output Inventory
  • Process Calculations of Inventory
  • LCA Databases LCA data also refers to "Life Cycle Impact Assessment LCI" databases, the heart of LCA. In this module, you will learn the common structure of an LCI database and get familiar with existing free and commercial databases.
  • Step-by-Step Procedure of Inventory Analysis
  • LCA Steps: Classification
  • LCA Steps: Characterization
  • LCA Optional Steps: Normalization
  • LCA Optional Steps: Weighting
  • LCA Optional Steps: Grouping
  • Analysis of Inventory Results
  • Analysis of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCAI) Results
  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Methods Advanced Level
  • The CML Method
  • The IMPACT 2002+ Method
  • ReCiPe 2008/2016 LCIA method
  • IMPACT World+
  • Flowcharts & Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
  • Final Results Interpretation
  • LCA Applications
  • Calculation by Hand vs Using Software
  • Guideline for the Correct Use of LCA Software Learn all the differences between the existing LCA software, including SimaPro, LCA for Expert (Formerly "GaBi"), openLCA (a free and open-source software), Umberto, and Microsoft Excel. Learn the pros and cons of each software and receive extensive information on its features and guidelines for properly selecting an LCA software for your project regarding database availability, features, and multiple other factors. This will help you put the investment in your LCA in the right place based on your project needs.
  • Data Availability and LCA Software Selection
  • Applications to Product Comparisons
  • Applications to Eco-Design
  • Sustainability Assessment
Recommended academic researchers and consultants.
Contact Us
14 Hours

LCA Expert Training

Per Trainee

Curriculum & Features

  • English Training Training is provided in English by an expert LCA trainer at the PhD level.
  • Optional Examination & Training Certificate (Paid) Certificate fees per trainee apply. Contact us for pricing details.
  • Extensive Training Intensive training for complete program understanding.
  • Accelerated Learning Approach Active learning approach accelerates understanding by tailoring instruction to individual styles, using discussions, interactive elements, demonstrations, practical examples, assignments, and trainee feedback.
  • Theoretical Case Studies 3 case studies are included.
  • Remote (Online) or in Person Choose your DEISO training delivery: online (remote), at your company's location in Japan, or international locations (overseas). Prices vary for each model, and a minimum number of trainees is required except for online training, which can be one-to-one- or one-to-group. A single trainee is sufficient for online training to deliver the chosen training program.
  • Training at the Client's Physical Location Outside of Japan Choose your DEISO training delivery: online (remote), at your company's location in Japan, or international locations (overseas). Prices vary for each model, and a minimum number of trainees is required except for online training, which can be one-to-one- or one-to-group. A single trainee is sufficient for online training to deliver the chosen training program.
  • In-Person Training at the Client's Physical Location in Japan A minimum number of trainees is required. Please contact us.
  • Theoretical & Practical Training Transform theory into practical expertise.
  • Zero to Hero LCA The 'Zero to Hero' method builds mastery by starting with the basics and progressing to advanced expertise.
  • LCA Modeling Advanced Level
  • LCA Data Training Advanced Level
  • Advanced Life Cycle Assessment Case Study How to Start an LCA Project from A to Z
  • Attributional Life Cycle Assessment
  • Consequential Life Cycle Assessment (CLCA)
  • How to Communicate your LCA results Master clear LCA presentations: select impactful charts and tailor your message for decision-makers.
  • How to Visualization LCA Results Master LCA visualization: Translate complex data into clear insights for your audience.
  • How to Collect Supply Chain Data Conducting an LCA study requires supply chain data ("foreground data") from clients, factories, or plants. Learn how to overcome collection challenges and gather essential information with several examples.
  • Supply Chain Data Collection Template (Excel) Simplify supply chain data collection with a customizable Excel template. Streamline client interactions and overcome common challenges.
  • ISO 14040 Demonstration
  • ISO 14044 Demonstration
  • Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is crucial for understanding the impact of uncertainties and assumptions within your model. You can identify the most influential parameters by systematically changing input values (like materials, transportation distances, or energy sources) and observing how the results are affected. This knowledge allows you to prioritize where to improve data quality, make informed decisions, and increase the reliability of your LCA conclusions. Sensitivity analyses ensure your LCA isn't overly dependent on assumptions, making the results more robust and trustworthy.
  • Uncertainty Analysis Uncertainty analysis in LCA is essential because the data and models used to calculate environmental impacts are never perfectly accurate. Sources of uncertainty include things like incomplete data, variability in manufacturing processes, and even the choices made about how to model the system. Uncertainty analysis helps us put a range of confidence around our LCA results. This can tell us how much our conclusions might change if our input data were different. It also helps us identify the most important sources of uncertainty, so we can prioritize where to improve the data for future studies.
  • Trade-Off Analysis Trade-off analysis is a critical part of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) when comparing different products, processes, or systems. It helps decision-makers understand the environmental impacts that shift from one stage of a product's life to another or between product alternatives. For example, a product with a lower manufacturing impact might have a higher use-phase impact due to energy consumption. Trade-off analysis reveals that these relationships including cost. This allows for informed choices that minimize overall environmental burdens rather than simply moving the problem from one life-cycle stage to another.
  • Scenario Development (What If Analysis) Scenario development or "what-if analysis" is vital tools in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). They help researchers explore potential future impacts and compare different product or system designs. By creating scenarios that model changes in technology, regulations, or consumer behavior, LCA practitioners can assess the environmental consequences of those shifts. What-if analysis allows for targeted testing of specific variables, making it possible to isolate the effects of individual decisions. This helps identify strategies to reduce environmental impact throughout a product's life cycle and allows for more informed decision-making.
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Types & Assessment of CO2 Emissions
  • Water Footprint
  • GHG Emissions Scops 1-3
  • Global Worming Potential (Climate Change) Assessment
  • LCA Manual Calculations: Liner Approach Understand LCA calculations with the linear approach. Learn the formulas and apply them through hands-on examples.
  • LCA Manual Calculations: Matrix Approach Understand LCA calculations with the matrix approach. Learn the formulas and apply them through hands-on examples.
  • Manual Calculations with Microsoft Excel Learn how to calculate LCA in a Microsoft Workbook. Learn the math and Excel formulas needed.
  • Midpoint Modeling LCA results can be carried out at the midpoint level, including environmental impact categories such as "climate change," "acidification potential," "human health potential," etc. These categories (15+ on average based on the LCIA method) are called "midpoint impacts." Here, you will learn LCA at a "Mid-Point" Level."
  • Endpoint Modeling LCA results can be carried out also at the "endpoint" level where the midpoint impact categories (15+ on average) can be aggregated to single 3-4 indicators such as "damage to the ecosystem," damage to health," and damage to resources." This aggregation is called "endpoint modeling."
  • Unit Process V.S. System Process Learning the difference between "unit process" and "system process" is crucial in LCA, especially when using LCA software now or in the future. Learning the differences between both and in which situation or case study to use each is important as most of the LCA databases come with either "unit" or "system" processes or both.
  • Dealing with Multi-Output Processes It is common for some processes to have multiple outputs: "main" or reference" output, which is the main product intended to be produced, and "by-products," which often we have no control over their existence. In this module, you will learn how to deal with the "Multi Outputs" issue in LCA and allocate the environmental impacts among the main product and the by-products.
  • Allocation Methods
  • The Cut-Off Method
  • System Expansion
  • Types of LCI Data & Databases
  • General Principles of LCA
  • Principles of System Modeling
  • Advanced Topics on LCA
  • The Four Phases of LCA
  • System Boundaries
  • Step-by-Step procedures to Performing an LCA
  • System Function
  • Functional Unit/Reference Unit
  • Inventory Analysis
  • Input/Output Inventory
  • Process Calculations of Inventory
  • LCA Databases LCA data also refers to "Life Cycle Impact Assessment LCI" databases, the heart of LCA. In this module, you will learn the common structure of an LCI database and get familiar with existing free and commercial databases.
  • Step-by-Step Procedure of Inventory Analysis
  • LCA Steps: Classification
  • LCA Steps: Characterization
  • LCA Optional Steps: Normalization
  • LCA Optional Steps: Weighting
  • LCA Optional Steps: Grouping
  • Analysis of Inventory Results
  • Analysis of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCAI) Results
  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Methods Advanced Level
  • The CML Method
  • The IMPACT 2002+ Method
  • ReCiPe 2008/2016 LCIA method
  • IMPACT World+
  • Flowcharts & Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
  • Final Results Interpretation
  • LCA Applications
  • Calculation by Hand vs Using Software
  • Guideline for the Correct Use of LCA Software Learn all the differences between the existing LCA software, including SimaPro, LCA for Expert (Formerly "GaBi"), openLCA (a free and open-source software), Umberto, and Microsoft Excel. Learn the pros and cons of each software and receive extensive information on its features and guidelines for properly selecting an LCA software for your project regarding database availability, features, and multiple other factors. This will help you put the investment in your LCA in the right place based on your project needs.
  • Data Availability and LCA Software Selection
  • Applications to Product Comparisons
  • Applications to Eco-Design
  • Sustainability Assessment
Recommended for academic researchers, consultants, R&D team members, sustainability analysts, and EPD learners.
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18 Hours

LCA Expert+ Training

Per Trainee

Curriculum & Features

  • English Training Training is provided in English by an expert LCA trainer at the PhD level.
  • Optional Examination & Training Certificate (Paid) Certificate fees per trainee apply. Contact us for pricing details.
  • Extensive Training Intensive training for complete program understanding.
  • Accelerated Learning Approach Active learning approach accelerates understanding by tailoring instruction to individual styles, using discussions, interactive elements, demonstrations, practical examples, assignments, and trainee feedback.
  • Theoretical Case Studies 3 case studies are included.
  • Remote (Online) or in Person Choose your DEISO training delivery: online (remote), at your company's location in Japan, or international locations (overseas). Prices vary for each model, and a minimum number of trainees is required except for online training, which can be one-to-one- or one-to-group. A single trainee is sufficient for online training to deliver the chosen training program.
  • Training at the Client's Physical Location Outside of Japan Choose your DEISO training delivery: online (remote), at your company's location in Japan, or international locations (overseas). Prices vary for each model, and a minimum number of trainees is required except for online training, which can be one-to-one- or one-to-group. A single trainee is sufficient for online training to deliver the chosen training program.
  • In-Person Training at the Client's Physical Location in Japan A minimum number of trainees is required. Please contact us.
  • Theoretical & Practical Training Transform theory into practical expertise.
  • Zero to Hero LCA The 'Zero to Hero' method builds mastery by starting with the basics and progressing to advanced expertise.
  • LCA Modeling Advanced Level
  • LCA Data Training Advanced Level
  • Advanced Life Cycle Assessment Case Study How to Start an LCA Project from A to Z
  • Attributional Life Cycle Assessment
  • Consequential Life Cycle Assessment (CLCA)
  • How to Communicate your LCA results Master clear LCA presentations: select impactful charts and tailor your message for decision-makers.
  • How to Visualization LCA Results Master LCA visualization: Translate complex data into clear insights for your audience.
  • How to Collect Supply Chain Data Conducting an LCA study requires supply chain data ("foreground data") from clients, factories, or plants. Learn how to overcome collection challenges and gather essential information with several examples.
  • Supply Chain Data Collection Template (Excel) Simplify supply chain data collection with a customizable Excel template. Streamline client interactions and overcome common challenges.
  • ISO 14040 Demonstration
  • ISO 14044 Demonstration
  • Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is crucial for understanding the impact of uncertainties and assumptions within your model. You can identify the most influential parameters by systematically changing input values (like materials, transportation distances, or energy sources) and observing how the results are affected. This knowledge allows you to prioritize where to improve data quality, make informed decisions, and increase the reliability of your LCA conclusions. Sensitivity analyses ensure your LCA isn't overly dependent on assumptions, making the results more robust and trustworthy.
  • Uncertainty Analysis Uncertainty analysis in LCA is essential because the data and models used to calculate environmental impacts are never perfectly accurate. Sources of uncertainty include things like incomplete data, variability in manufacturing processes, and even the choices made about how to model the system. Uncertainty analysis helps us put a range of confidence around our LCA results. This can tell us how much our conclusions might change if our input data were different. It also helps us identify the most important sources of uncertainty, so we can prioritize where to improve the data for future studies.
  • Trade-Off Analysis Trade-off analysis is a critical part of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) when comparing different products, processes, or systems. It helps decision-makers understand the environmental impacts that shift from one stage of a product's life to another or between product alternatives. For example, a product with a lower manufacturing impact might have a higher use-phase impact due to energy consumption. Trade-off analysis reveals that these relationships including cost. This allows for informed choices that minimize overall environmental burdens rather than simply moving the problem from one life-cycle stage to another.
  • Scenario Development (What If Analysis) Scenario development or "what-if analysis" is vital tools in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). They help researchers explore potential future impacts and compare different product or system designs. By creating scenarios that model changes in technology, regulations, or consumer behavior, LCA practitioners can assess the environmental consequences of those shifts. What-if analysis allows for targeted testing of specific variables, making it possible to isolate the effects of individual decisions. This helps identify strategies to reduce environmental impact throughout a product's life cycle and allows for more informed decision-making.
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Types & Assessment of CO2 Emissions
  • Water Footprint
  • GHG Emissions Scops 1-3
  • Global Worming Potential (Climate Change) Assessment
  • LCA Manual Calculations: Liner Approach Understand LCA calculations with the linear approach. Learn the formulas and apply them through hands-on examples.
  • LCA Manual Calculations: Matrix Approach Understand LCA calculations with the matrix approach. Learn the formulas and apply them through hands-on examples.
  • Manual Calculations with Microsoft Excel Learn how to calculate LCA in a Microsoft Workbook. Learn the math and Excel formulas needed.
  • Midpoint Modeling LCA results can be carried out at the midpoint level, including environmental impact categories such as "climate change," "acidification potential," "human health potential," etc. These categories (15+ on average based on the LCIA method) are called "midpoint impacts." Here, you will learn LCA at a "Mid-Point" Level."
  • Endpoint Modeling LCA results can be carried out also at the "endpoint" level where the midpoint impact categories (15+ on average) can be aggregated to single 3-4 indicators such as "damage to the ecosystem," damage to health," and damage to resources." This aggregation is called "endpoint modeling."
  • Unit Process V.S. System Process Learning the difference between "unit process" and "system process" is crucial in LCA, especially when using LCA software now or in the future. Learning the differences between both and in which situation or case study to use each is important as most of the LCA databases come with either "unit" or "system" processes or both.
  • Dealing with Multi-Output Processes It is common for some processes to have multiple outputs: "main" or reference" output, which is the main product intended to be produced, and "by-products," which often we have no control over their existence. In this module, you will learn how to deal with the "Multi Outputs" issue in LCA and allocate the environmental impacts among the main product and the by-products.
  • Allocation Methods
  • The Cut-Off Method
  • System Expansion
  • Types of LCI Data & Databases
  • General Principles of LCA
  • Principles of System Modeling
  • Advanced Topics on LCA
  • The Four Phases of LCA
  • System Boundaries
  • Step-by-Step procedures to Performing an LCA
  • System Function
  • Functional Unit/Reference Unit
  • Inventory Analysis
  • Input/Output Inventory
  • Process Calculations of Inventory
  • LCA Databases LCA data also refers to "Life Cycle Impact Assessment LCI" databases, the heart of LCA. In this module, you will learn the common structure of an LCI database and get familiar with existing free and commercial databases.
  • Step-by-Step Procedure of Inventory Analysis
  • LCA Steps: Classification
  • LCA Steps: Characterization
  • LCA Optional Steps: Normalization
  • LCA Optional Steps: Weighting
  • LCA Optional Steps: Grouping
  • Analysis of Inventory Results
  • Analysis of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCAI) Results
  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Methods Advanced Level
  • The CML Method
  • The IMPACT 2002+ Method
  • ReCiPe 2008/2016 LCIA method
  • IMPACT World+
  • Flowcharts & Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
  • Final Results Interpretation
  • LCA Applications
  • Calculation by Hand vs Using Software
  • Guideline for the Correct Use of LCA Software Learn all the differences between the existing LCA software, including SimaPro, LCA for Expert (Formerly "GaBi"), openLCA (a free and open-source software), Umberto, and Microsoft Excel. Learn the pros and cons of each software and receive extensive information on its features and guidelines for properly selecting an LCA software for your project regarding database availability, features, and multiple other factors. This will help you put the investment in your LCA in the right place based on your project needs.
  • Data Availability and LCA Software Selection
  • Applications to Product Comparisons
  • Applications to Eco-Design
  • Sustainability Assessment
Recommended for academic researchers, consultants, R&D team members, sustainability analysts, and EPD learners.
Contact Us

Which program is suitable for you?

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Concept
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Concept
The 4 Phases of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
The 4 Phases of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

The 4 evaluation Levels of LCA

Frequently Asked
Questions on our LCA Training.

How it works?
  1. We offer remote training and in-person training. If remote training isn't suitable for your needs, we can arrange a time to visit our office in Japan at your expense.
  2. We offer training to customers in Japan. The process can happen either online or at a location of your preference at your own expense for transportation and accommodation.
  3. This is how remote training works: (1) We use the Zoom app and Zoom whiteboards to deliver training materials and interact with trainees. (2) If any training modules contain an option for licensed LCA software (GaBi, SimaPro, MiLCA, or OpenLCA), the trainee must have a license of the desired LCA software (e.g., GaBi or SimaPro), and the software is installed on the trainees PC. We must remotely access the trainee's PC during the session(s) that involves training on LCA software. (3) If the trainee has no licensor for LCA software, we can still provide the training using a free commercial demo with limited functionality. However, this does not lower the training course.
  4. We offer 30-60 minutes of free remote consultation: Our consultants can help you choose which type of training would make the most sense to meet your individual needs. We offer one hour of free remote consultation to help you figure out what level of training would best suit your knowledge, experience, and LCA skill set. We are not currently offering just basic LCA one and advanced LCA training.
  5. We take full privacy and security measures for the PC remote access of our trainee(s).
  6. Trainees can access our training portal at to submit any assignments they need and download slides, materials, and training materials relating to the specifics of the assignments. Optionally: trainees can write short feedback of 3 questions after each session outlining what they have learned during the session(s) and difficulties they encountered in prior sessions so that we can work together to improve the quality of training and if there is anything that needs improvement based on their feedback; this way we can understand what sorts of things are difficult for the trainees to work on and do my best to help!
  7. During the first training session, we take 10-20 minutes to address the questions that of the previous training session the participant(s) had. Training usually lasts from 2 – 4 hours with 20-30 minutes of breaks.
Do you offer custom training plans?


  1. We also offer LCA software-specific training programs for SimaPro, openLCA, MiLCA, and GaBi. We also create customized training plans for individuals of basic or advanced levels that want to learn about LCA software (40% standard LCA training and 60% explicitly relating to the LCA software the client chooses).
  2. We also offer LCA software-specific training programs for GaBi, SimaPro, openLCA, and MiLCA. We can also create an individualized combination of introductory and advanced LCA courses or review individually tailored 60% "Basic Training Program" or "Advanced Training Program" with
  3. We also offer LCA software-specific training programs for LCA software training only (not for LCA) for any 4 software options available GaBi, SimaPro, openLCA, and MiLCA.
  4. Please note only openLCA is free of charge software as it is open-source.
Do you offer a training certificate?

The training program completion certificate is optional: You must pass a test and complete all the assignments after the training period to receive your certificate. The fee for the examination and the certification takes an extra cost on top of your training fees, and if the trainee did not pass the first time, they can purchase another exam ticket. However, most of our clients pass with no difficulties, especially with basic LCA. The exam is available every month after the six-month training ends. After six months, the trainee needs to retake the trading course and the examination.

How many people can attend a training program?
Our training services are offered as one-to-one training programs. For teams or large companies, we provide training programs usually for 2-5, quotation-based pricing. It is also possible to request a quotation for 5+ attendees.  Request for Quotation.
What Makes our training programs special?
  • Our training programs are different because we collaborate with you and not for you.
  • We're not only in the business of "selling" training services - but we also genuinely care about our customers' success. We're collaborating with you as a partner to ensure that your training experience helps you reach your goals and ends up being beneficial for your company. We work as "partners" with our customers rather than as "trainers."
Who are the LCA trainers?

An LCA expert will take care of the training program you choose.

How much does it cost?

It's a quotation-based service. Clients submit a Request for Quotation.

Do any of these training programs come with any free services?

Yes. We do have a few free services that we offer related to the training program selected for each client. We list them in the pricing quotation.

How the Online Training Programs are Conducted?

We provide any of the training programs online (remotely), in our company’s location in Japan, or at customer sites both inside and outside of Japan. The following is how online/remote training is carried out:

  1. Using the Zoom App (
  2. Zoom Whiteboards (
  3. A live view of explanations & illustrations on a physical whiteboard.
  4. On-desk notes where trainees will receive. Handwritten explanations and illustrations by the instructor on his desk, both of which (3) and (4) utilize cutting-edge webcam technology).
  5. The trainee(s) can choose between (1 with 2 or 3 or 4) or (1 and 2-4, all). It is all about the trainee(s) preferences

See our other professional training programs.

Discover DEISO Training: Delve into DEISO's cutting-edge, certified training in sustainability, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), LCA software and databases, GHG accounting, Carbon Footprint, Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), and beyond. Uncover our comprehensive training portfolio here.


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