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Detailed plans of GaBi LCA Training Programs are Now Available

LCA for Experts (GaBi) Training

We are fluent in the GaBi language and are pleased to introduce the four training models for GaBi Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) software. We provide thorough GaBi training to help your company’s employees become professional GaBi users, regardless of the use case or industry. The training topics covered in each training program are compared at

We provide four training programs—the “Starter Program,” “Professional Program,” “Advanced Program,” and “Expert Program”—that have been carefully designed to match our client’s needs and cost considerations. As the name implies, the “Basic Program” provides training in the fundamentals of GaBi, while the “Expert” Program is the last and most in-depth level of GaBi training.

GaBi is an industry-leading LCA software with extensive Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) databases available for various industries. Get started in mastering GaBi ts today.

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Discover DEISO Training: Delve into DEISO's cutting-edge, certified training in sustainability, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), LCA software and databases, GHG accounting, Carbon Footprint, Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), and beyond. Uncover our comprehensive training portfolio here.


Traing Programs

End of the year sales.

All of our training programs are now on sale!

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