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A new LCA training program is now available: The ecoinvent Training

ecoinvent Training

We are excited to launch the full ecoinvent training program. The industry’s top LCA database, including how to utilize it in GaBi ts, SimaPro, or openLCA, and training on the web-based database. A case study of an analytical LCA is also presented. Choose from the “Basic” and “Advanced” training programs at

Over 18,000 Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) datasets (also known as “activities” in ecoinvent) are available. The world’s most well-known Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) database is used in over 40 countries. Energy, resource extraction, material supply, chemicals, metals, agriculture, waste management, and transportation are all included in the database. The ecoinvent database helps  LCA analysts with the environmental impacts of the products and services. The repository contains around 18000 activities, sometimes called “datasets,” which reflect human processes or activities. It is a resource that covers various global and regional topics. 

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Discover DEISO Training: Delve into DEISO's cutting-edge, certified training in sustainability, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), LCA software and databases, GHG accounting, Carbon Footprint, Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), and beyond. Uncover our comprehensive training portfolio here.


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