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    Training Extras for LCA for Expert (GaBi): Case Studies Training

    LCA for Experts (GaBi) Training Extras​

    What do These Extras mean?

    DEISO, a pioneer company in training for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) training solutions, provides a range of specialized training options tailored to meet the diverse needs of professionals in the industry. One of their offerings includes training extras, specifically case study training, designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals using their LCA software suite, formerly known as “GaBi,” now rebranded as “LCA for Expert.” These are offered for (1) people with prior knowledge and expertise in LCA for Expert Software and (2) trainees who enrolled previously in DEISO training plans for LCA for Expet and want to leverage their level of expertise in LCA for Expert (GaBi).

    These training extras are separate modules that individuals can purchase independently of the comprehensive “LCA for Expert” training program. They are specifically crafted for individuals who already possess a foundational understanding of LCA principles or are familiar with using the LCA software but seek to deepen their expertise through hands-on practice with industry-specific case studies.

    It’s important to note that these training extras are not automatically included in standard training plans offered by DEISO. Therefore, individuals who have previously enrolled in a DEISO training program but did not have access to these specific features can still benefit from them by requesting to purchase the training extras separately.

    However, it’s crucial to understand that these extra training sessions are designed for individuals with some proficiency with LCA or the LCA for Expert software.

    Suppose someone is entirely new to LCA methodologies or Expert Software. They are advised to enroll in a comprehensive DEISO training plan for LCA for Expert to build the necessary foundational knowledge before delving into the specialized case study training extras.

    In summary, DEISO offers extras, such as case study training, for individuals looking to expand their expertise in LCA methodologies and using LCA for Expert software. These extras are available for purchase separately and are designed for individuals with prior knowledge or experience in LCA, ensuring they can effectively apply industry-specific case studies to their work.

    However, newcomers to LCA for Experts (GaBi) Software are encouraged to begin with a comprehensive training plan to establish a solid understanding before exploring these specialized training modules.

    These training Extracts are intended for:

    1) Intermediate with Professional LCA for Experts (GaBi) users.
    2) “none LCA Projects” or R&D: Please visit our LCA services solution page for “none LCA Projects” or R&D. For LCA Project and R&D execution pr consultation services, please visit our LCA services page here.

    #ExtrasDescriptionNo. of Hours


    1Parametrized Cradle to Grave (whole life cycle) case study trainingLearn how to model a complete case study from the cradle to the grave with local and global parameters for scenario analysis or parameter analysis6

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    2GaBi i-Reports trainingFull training on GaBi’s i-Reports3

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    (per Trainee)

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    3Advanced dashboards trainingLearn how to advance the views of your LCIA and inventory analysis results in GaBi’s dashboards3

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    4GaBi End-Point analysis trainingMost of the modeling in GaBi is limited to the mid-point level. Learn how to get LCIA results at an end-point level3

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    5GaBi Analysts: Montecarlo Simulation, Sensitivity analysis, parameter analysis, and scenario analysisMaster the complete GaBi analyst tools better to understand your model and data, your results, improve your product and compare it with alternatives4

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    6Advanced Energy Analysis: Grid Mix modeling trainingLearn how to model an electricity grid mix in GaBi of country-specific electricity with parameters4

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    7Full chemical case study trainingMaster the chemical modeling principles with a chemical case study that is parameterized6

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    8Full textile case study trainingMaster the modeling principles in the textile industry with a cradle-to-grave case study of cotton-based production6

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    9Entire electronic waste case studyMaster waste management modeling and end-of-life modeling principles of municipal waste of all waste types and all waste treatment options such as landfilling, incineration, composting, biogasification, and recycling8

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    10Complete wastewater treatment case study trainingA comprehensive wastewater treatment case study4

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    11Complete concrete 3 case studies trainingMaster the modeling in the construction and building industry in GaBi with three complete case studies6

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    12Complete energy case study trainingLearn how to model energy production in GaBi3

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    13GaBi results analysis & visualization in ExcelBetter analyze and visualize your results with Excel3

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

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    14Custom features/topics training or case studies trainingYou can request training on any topic in GaBi or for GaBi’s pacific features by contacting us

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    (Prices are per Trainee)

    Contact Info.

    ENGLISH ADDRESS: DEISO LLC, Level 21 Shiodome Shibarikyu Building, 1-2-3 Kaigan Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0022 Japan.

    JAPANESE ADDRESS: 〒105-0022 東京都港区海岸1-2-3 汐留芝離宮ビルディング21階, 合同会社DEISO.

    Email: info@deiso.co.jp Phone: 03-5403-6479 (Japanese) Phone: +1-361-298-0005 (English) Fax: 0488-72-6373.

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