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    Downstream Services: Waste and Resource Management Services for Emerging Countries
    Downstream Services: Waste and Resource Management Services for Emerging Countries

    Hazardous, E-waste, & Municipal Waste Services for Developing Countries Research and expert-based professional services for low, lower-middle, and upper-middle countries. We work with municipalities, local governments, and international organizations to develop sustainable waste management schemes. Skip to Solutions Skip to Features Challenges Waste management practices in developing countries should be seriously considered due to their inadequate management. Particularly, waste management practices in low-income and medium-income in developing countries, including collection services, have an overall rate below 50%. Collection services are…

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    Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: Environmental, Health, and Social Impacts Assessment
    Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: Environmental, Health, and Social Impacts Assessment

    Solutions DEISO provides several professional sustainability evaluation services such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for better environmental and health design, technology development, and manufacturing processes. Including, e.g., comprehensive environmental evaluation of a system, product, technology, or service from the cradle-to-grave, gate-to-gate, and gate-to-grave evaluation. We consider part of the lifecycle or the entire cycle based on the customer needs: (1) extraction of raw materials phase, (2) production/manufacturing phase, (3) transportation phase, (4) the use phase of the product or technology,…

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    Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA)
    Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA)

    Challenges Sustainability assessment and sustainable development incorporates different approaches, methods, and tools. Sustainability assessment requires consideration to be given to environmental, social, and economic impacts and their benefits and achieve win-to-win solutions to sustainability changes. At DEISO, we provide the Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) evaluation business services, S-LCA, S-LCA software training, S-LCA, data training, and consulting for several S-LCA aspects, including the required data of both background and foreground ones for a specific project. Solutions S-LCA is a social…

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    Certification Services
    Certification Services

    Service Overview Certification for individuals and business: We issue professional certification of “Expert of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA),” “Expert of Sustainability,” “Expert of Municipal Solid Waste Management,” “Expert of E-Waste Management,” and “Expert of Waste Management.” The last one is for both municipal and e-waste experts, for individuals. We also issue CO2 Reduction Certificate for companies, businesses, and industries. Following a systematic procedure of interviews, examinations, and training whenever is necessary for the “expert certificates” for individuals. For CO2 Reduction…

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    Life Cycle Inventory Data Estimation (LCI)
    Life Cycle Inventory Data Estimation (LCI)

    Challenges Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data is crucial for conducting any Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study or evaluation. For researchers and companies. Not all LCI data are available in commercial LCI databases or even in literature. LCA experts often encounter a major obstacle to obtaining the missing LCI data for their projects. Solutions We provide a unique service for LCI data estimations based on modeling techniques. We supply this estimated LCI for LCA work for a specific evaluation topic. Currently,…

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    Product Carbon Footprint
    Product Carbon Footprint

    A carbon footprint measures the impacts of greenhouse gases (mainly carbon dioxide) emitted by a product over its life cycle. This includes emissions from extracting and shipping the product's resources, manufacturing, and consuming and disposing of the product.

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    Life Cycle Inventory Data Estimation for uncontrolled landfills and open dumping
    Life Cycle Inventory Data Estimation for uncontrolled landfills and open dumping

    LCI Data Supply Services of Waste Life Cycle Inventory (LCI): For Uncontrolled (Unsanitary) landfill Sites and Open Dumping of Municipal and E-Waste Management for Developing Countries We estimate Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data of emissions from improperly structured landfills and open dumpsites of waste in developing countries to perform Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) or understand its emissions inventory with or LCI estimation model for these type of waste processes. Unlike the well-engineered landfill sites constructed in developed countries available with…

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    Contact Info.

    ENGLISH ADDRESS: DEISO LLC, Level 21 Shiodome Shibarikyu Building, 1-2-3 Kaigan Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0022 Japan.

    JAPANESE ADDRESS: 〒105-0022 東京都港区海岸1-2-3 汐留芝離宮ビルディング21階, 合同会社DEISO.

    Email: [email protected] Phone: 03-5403-6479 (Japanese) Phone: +1-361-298-0005 (English) Fax: 0488-72-6373.

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